S*Redtail's Puma
Breed: Norwegian Forest Cat  
Color: f 09 22 - brown torbie blotched tabby and white
Sex: Female
Born: 31/12/2001
Reg.# KKN SL 1368-03 
5 Gen IC: 0.34180%
Bred by: Lotta Carlsson 
Owned by: Eva Liljeqvist 
Parents Grand-Parents Great-Grand-Parents Great-Great-Grand-Parents
IP/EC S*Micehunter's Fantasio DM, 01/08/2000, e 22, SVERAK LO 161554, IC= 0.61035 IP/EC S*Rockringen's Hoodoo Guru DM, 20/08/1998, n 09 22, SVERAK LO 152643, IC= 1.75781 IC S*Rockringen's Di Leva, 14/03/1997, d 09, SVERAK LO 143838, IC= 1.46484 S*Målarkudden's Degas, 20/03/1994, n 09 23, SVERAK RX 122247 K4, IC= 1.95313
GIC S*Rockringen's Cajsa-Stina, DM, 25/11/1995, d 09 22, SVERAK LO 135525, IC= 0.97656
GIC Pan's Torunn, 10/03/1995, n 09 22, SVERAK RX 133520 K4, IC= 0.00000 Faruk av Bjørnsletta(N), 24/02/1994, n 09 22, (N)NRR RX 56080 K3, IC= 0.00000
GIC Pan's Tone, 02/07/1987, n 22, (N)NRR RX 53032 K3, IC= 0.00000
SC Cinderella, 15/11/1992, e 09 23, SVERAK LO 89772, IC= 1.26953 S*Oakflowers Rhodney, 26/12/1988, e 09 22, SVERAK LO 80751, IC= 1.61133 GIP S*Morr Hoppans Dalton, 26/08/1987, a 09 23, SVERAK RX 57499 K4, IC= 0.78125  
S*Oakflowers Cecilie, 12/07/1987, f 09 22, SVERAK RX 57667 K4, IC= 0.00000  
S*Kardborrens Hanna, 18/02/1991, g 09 23, SVERAK LO 85595, IC= 6.54297 EP S*Popsys King Lion, 09/02/1989, d 09, SVERAK RX 80971 K4, IC= 3.32031  
S*Apollons Cybill, 07/06/1987, a 23, SVERAK RX 57180 K4, IC= 1.44043  
IC S*Millenniums Finesse, 25/05/2000, f 09 24, SVERAK LO 164258, IC= 1.33057 IC S*Älvdansen's Agnar Mykle, 09/04/1999, d, SVERAK LO 156069, IC= 0.00000 EC S*Magari's Scar, 18/10/1995, n 09, SVERAK LO 134305, IC= 1.17188 GIC S*Pocahonta's Biloxi, 07/01/1993, n 22, SVERAK LO 89872, IC= 2.70996
IC S*Mar'Michel's Rizzi Magari, 28/03/1994, n 09 24, SVERAK RX 123438K4, IC= 3.12500
S*Trolldungen's Miss Mystica, 14/02/1997, f 22, SVERAK LO 143701, IC= 1.45264 GIC S*Aristo Limaz Alexander J.H, 20/05/1996, n 22 bilde, SVERAK LO 137805, IC= 1.31836
S*Ambient Za-Zou, 17/04/1995, f 22 bilde, SVERAK LO 130670, IC= 8.32520
S*Millenniums Sharon, 17/05/1998, n 09 22, SVERAK LO 150637, IC= 0.00000 EC S*Tassajara's Abel, 01/01/1997, n 09 22, SVERAK LO 141952, IC= 2.69775 EC S*Solslingans Don Juan, 23/11/1995, ns 09, SVERAK LO 135046, IC= 1.95313
EC S*Tassajara's Tigris DM, 17/05/1993, n 09 22, SVERAK RX 103926K4, IC= 6.64063
S*Wildwood's Orvette, 10/06/1996, a 22, SVERAK LO 138672, IC= 0.91553 EC Romeo, 21/02/1994, ns 22, SVERAK RX 121992 K4, IC= 0.96436
CH S*Wildwood's Humla, 15/11/1990, a 24, SVERAK RX 84992 K4, IC= 1.95313

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Nina Beyer
(N)Benzn Norwegian Forest Cats