CH S*Tigressan's Elliot
Breed: Norwegian Forest Cat  
Color: n 09 23 - brown mackrel tabby and white
Sex: Male
Born: 11/03/1996
Reg.# (N)NRR LO 117024 
5 Gen IC: 2.00195%
Bred by: Carina Olofsson 
Owned by: Raymond Sætre 
Parents Grand-Parents Great-Grand-Parents Great-Great-Grand-Parents
IC S*Gomorran's King Kreole, 14/11/1994, n 09 23, SVERAK LO 127526, IC= 0.87891   S*Glitterfjordens Ips, 15/06/1993, n 09 22, SVERAK LO 114128, IC= 1.07422   IC (N)Huldrekatten's Satyr, 09/03/1990, d, (N)NRR LO 61264, IC= 0.00000   EC Amor av Sultano, 20/07/1987, n 09, (N)NRR RX 53054 K3
Torvmyra's Eartha Kitt, 1987, f, (N)NRR RX 53227 K3
S*Glitterfjordens Z Ypsilon, 19/08/1989, fs 09 22, SVERAK RX 82348 K4, IC= 1.85547   IP/Ch S*Gerdas Akilles, 21/07/1988, n 22, SVERAK RX 80395 K3
S*Glitterfjordens Gr Lillix, 25/03/1988, as 09 23, SVERAK LO 59512
S*Sjövikens Fatima, 04/03/1989, gs 09 22, SVERAK RX 81378 K4, IC= 0.48828   Enebackens Lafayette, 15/03/1986, e 09 23, SVERAK RX 55564 K3, IC= 0.00000   GIC Lado Skogmann H.T., 27/12/1983, n 23, (N)NRR RX 51480 K2
EC S*Enebackens Hannelore, 07/05/1984, f 09 23, SVERAK RX 50195 K3
CH Christiania's Sølvi, 20/11/1983, ns 09 23, SVERAK 50524 K4, IC= 13.25684   EP/GIC Christiania's Rufus, 19/09/1979, as 23, (N)NRR RX 50468 K3
EC Christiania's Mathilde, 21/08/1982, ns 09, (N)NRR RX 51098 K3
S*Gomorran's Jerika, 10/03/1994, n 09 23, SVERAK LO 122447, IC= 1.87988   GIC S*Tingskogen's Champagne, 10/07/1990, n 22, SVERAK RX 84276 K4, IC= 1.41602   CH S*Gerdas Bolls, 16/02/1989, n 22, SVERAK RX 81141 K3, IC= 0.00000   CH Gorm, 11/04/1987, n 09, SVERAK RX 57084 K3
S*Chatjoile's Butterfly, 15/12/1986, n 22, SVERAK RX 56637 K2
S*Porfyrgårdens Hitatchi, 06/07/1988, n 09 22, SVERAK RX 80122 K3, IC= 1.61133   CH S*Atlanta's Casper, 24/06/1986, a 23, SVERAK LO 55963
S*Porfyrgårdens Delila, 10/09/1986, n 09, SVERAK RX 56208 K2
CH S*Gomorran's Morgana, 29/08/1990, n 09 23, SVERAK LO 84752, IC= 1.56250 IC S*Audhumlas Gutten, 23/10/1988, n 09 23, SVERAK LO 81023, IC= 1.17188   EC S*Ulvåsens Ferdinand, 09/10/1986, n 22, SVERAK RX 56302 K4
S*Audhumlas Bangsi, 15/11/1986, n 09, SVERAK RX 56572 K4
S*Trollsjön Dolores, 11/03/1989, n 09 23, SVERAK RX 81308 K4, IC= 0.00000   S*Triglis Adrian Knorr, 05/01/1988, n 09 23, SVERAK RX 59215 K4
Amanda, n 09 23, SVERAK RX 57960 K3

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Nina Beyer
(N)Benzn Norwegian Forest Cats